Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

My dear friends,
One of my new favorite places on the web is Holy Experience. Check out the bottom of my blog for the button. She talks about the power of journaling in our time with the Lord. I have always enjoyed this practice, but I am inspired by this!

This blog is amazing and has been an incredible challenge and source of encouragement to me. This lady is an author!! She is an artist with words, but also has a strong love for our Savior. The "1000 gifts" is the challenge for you! Please join me in this journaling, scrapbook journey to thankfulness! What an attitude of gratitude it will build and encourage in our hearts. Not to say, what an example for our children, grand children, neices and nephews when they see us looking for the simple joys and gifts God gives us everyday.

I am thankful for each of you!

"Therefore let us encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thess. 5:11



  1. I love Ann's posts as well. I love the way she shares truth through stories rather than by simply telling or lecturing.

    Good to see you here, friend!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. And I'm so glad you like the music. :)
