Saturday, October 30, 2010

The reason I haven't been blogging...

Well, my daughters were commenting that I haven't blogged in awhile. My sweet blogging friend, Susan, has referenced my blog a few times lately, so here I am! I decided to explain, maybe in pictures, what has been occupying my time lately.

This was the end of July...

The shower...

The due date! 8/9/10 I love the birth date! :)

Her arrival. Miss Ava Faith weighed in at 9 lb. 14 oz. Happy, healthy arrival...thank you, God!

Welcomed by her adoring fan club.

One of my friends, long ago, told me that it takes about three months to adjust to a major life change. I have found this to be very true for me. Now, Ava is almost three months, cooing and smiling, and making it very hard to imagine life without this sweet darling. And now, I can sit down to blog again.

Just a few things still remind me of the adjustment. For instance, she is sleeping on my shoulder after nursing, while I type this post. Everything is a little slower, specially one-handed typing. As I told, Susan, I am also redirecting my energy right now. This short phase in my life will be over before I can blink.

During this time of welcoming our newest arrival. my second oldest has completed driver's ed and received her license. Life speeds by!

Help me, Lord. to number my days...and enjoy each moment!



  1. So nice to meet you, Susan! And congratulations! How wonderful. I love the name lovely. I just had a sweet baby boy in June. You have a beautiful family. May you truly enjoy and savor each of these precious moments. They do go by too fast, don't they?

  2. Hey there, Susan! Ava is *adorable*! So glad to see you here again, but I do agree, the blog needs to serve us, not the other way around! Glad things are going well there. Congratulations again on "little" Ava!

  3. How PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!! What a GREAT excuse for the lack of blog-presence. :)

    What a lovely are blessed. And yes, DO enjoy every. single. minute. It all flies by WAY. TOO. FAST!

