Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wanting to blog!

I have been blogging in my sleep! Hmmm...I found myself in the hours of dozing between feedings that I think of lots of things I would like to write about and explore, but of course I am in bed in the dark and when the morning light wakes me up (or the alarm), I quickly put those things on the back burner as the day kicks into gear.

I have been reading blogs of such encouragement. I will add those to my blog list, so you can share them, too. It seems I have been struggling with rolling emotions lately, up and down and up and down! I know my hormones are trying to get they ever get settled in your 40's?? But I find myself crying out to God for help! Of course, this is where He wants me always. It is a deep reminder of the consequences of our sinfulness. It makes me keenly aware of the fight. Sometimes it feels like I am fighting a HUGE dragon inside of me. I must remember He is my defender and my strength.

Sharpen your Sword with me!



  1. Me too! I wake up at night with the *best* ideas... somehow they don't seem quite so "inspired" in the light of day though! LOL! I'm battling, by God's grace and His Word, that middle-aged "dragon" as well. I'll be praying for you as well, my friend!

  2. Oh yes! The battle!! How precious our Saviour is and how gracious with us! Might HE give us each day by day the grace we need in this battle with sin and self...and those hormones! LOL! Hang in there and continue to look to HIM through it all.

    Many blessings,
